Il CIC presente alla 3° edizione di

Waste Management Europe 2024
la conferenza internazionale
sulla gestione dei rifiuti in Europa
9 – 11 aprile 2024 | Fiera di Bergamo
L’esposizione, a cui il CIC partecipa per il secondo anno consecutivo con uno spazio proprio,
riunisce leader del settore, innovatori, autorità di regolamentazione
e governo e ha come obiettivo mettere in rete e discutere il futuro della gestione
dei rifiuti e le soluzioni ecologiche sostenibili di cui il nostro pianeta ha urgente bisogno.
Sessioni di conferenze

Don’t miss this chance!
Register now and join our event in place or online:
organized by CIC in the framework of the FER-PLAY project
For Agronomists who will participate to the event and will confirm their presence (in situ or remotely) the CONAF CFP will be issued.
10:00 am – Registration of participants
10:15 am – Introduction
10:20 am – The project FER-PLAY, “Multi-assessment of alternative fertilisers for promoting local sustainable value chains and clean ecosystems” – Ambrogio Pigoli (CIC)
10:30 am – The International Humic Society initiative – Claudio Zaccone (IHSS Scientific Committee)
10:40 am – Common rules across Europe for circular fertilisers. State of the art and challenges for the application of the European Regulation:
- Overview of the FPR and its evolution since 2019 – Theodora Nikolakopoulou (DG GROW)
- The role of the Notified Bodies and current activity – Gábor Tasnádi (First Chairman of the NoBos Coordination Group)
- Implementation of CEN standards – Mariangela Soldano (UNICHIM – CRPA)
- The FPR after 2 years of entry into force: the state of play from the producers side – Manuel Isceri (Assofertilizzanti Federchimica)
11:40 am – Panel discussion – exploring the value chains:
- Organic fertilisers from sewage sludge – Horst Müller (EFAR)
- Struvite – Wim Moerman (NURESYS)
- Organic soil improvers from biowaste – Riccardo Gambini (ECN)
12:45 am – Discussion and conclusions